Grade seven, while you are enjoying your Friday off from school, do take some time to visit to practice exercises from grade 7 consumer math; this is found under percent application. The questions relating to tax, tips, commissions and discounts will keep your skills sharp.
In addition, please complete, in your composition books, problems 24-33 from page 493 of your text.
You do not need to write the questions out but you do need to properly number your questions and show all working for each response. Simply putting an answer on the page will not be sufficient. Responses should be presented in the same manner in which they were done on the board in class.
Grade eight; please complete the worksheet you are currently working on on multiplication and division of radicals. Remember to rationalize the denominators if they are irrational.
Grade six; work on writing numbers as product of their prime factors, writing numbers as powers and evaluating numerical expressions by using the order of operations. All of these concepts are on the worksheet that you were given to complete over the weekend.
Guys do remember to take a few minutes each day to visit so that you can practice to get better.
See you on Monday.